Environmental Responsibility

Internal measures

Inside-News-World-Environment-1400 × 700pxThe environmental problems that the planet has suffered are a reality that we must all be aware of. ITSector has, as a premise, the Environmental Responsibility and it implements on a daily basis, measures aiming the safeguard of resources, reduction of waste, and mitigation of potential damage caused to nature, in its 6 Hub Centers.

Current Measures:

  • Recycling paper, plastic, glass and coffee capsules;
  • Plastic reduction, giving glass bottles to employees and replacing plastic spoons with bamboo spoons;
  • Decreasing water consumption, replacing the water bottle system with a purification system and reducing the flow of taps;
  • Reducing energy consumption, with an automatic led lights system, and a ventilation system with timer;
  • Pollution reduction, implementing a shared lift system;

Next steps:

  • Reducing plastic consumption, providing glass coffee cups that replace paper cups;
  • Using sustainable resources, such as recycled toilet paper.

This World Environment Day, as well as every single day, we believe that small actions and changes can have a huge impact on everyone's quality of life. Together we can transform the world for the better!